My Work

Landing pages, email blasts, post-purchase autoresponders, product page copy, ebooks, and articles written by Judd Handler, for small business clients. 

  • Miracle Noodle Instant Meal Pre-Order Landing Page

    Miracle Noodle Instant Meal Pre-Order Landing Page

    This landing page for generated over 1,000 pre-orders for a product that would not be for sale for 3 months!
  • Bundle Products Landing Page for

    Bundle Products Landing Page for

    The challenge in selling these products is that they are not well known to our customer base for Miracle Noodle. Our noodles are what keeps the lights on, but we also have some amazing other products we re-sell, or have branded for us. This landing page was an upsell to a Noodle Sampler Pack.
  • Miracle Matcha Mix-IN Landing Page

    Miracle Matcha Mix-IN Landing Page

    A high antioxidant topping. The message: no way you're eating pounds of veggies every day. On days you can't eat healthy, you need this!
  • Miracle Noodle Variety Sampler Landing Page

    Miracle Noodle Variety Sampler Landing Page

    The leading healthy pasta brand, Miracle Noodle, has a Variety Sampler. We pushed this best-selling product (top health brand on Amazon) through this landing page, for which I wrote the copy
  • Dr. Berg Kale Shake Landing Page

    Dr. Berg Kale Shake Landing Page

    Dr. Eric Berg is a chiropractor in northern Virginia but does very well selling products online. He asked me to create this landing page for his best-selling Kale Shake. Yum!
  • Callagy Life Coaching Landing Page

    Callagy Life Coaching Landing Page

    I was contracted by a successful attorney, who also is a Life Coach, to create this landing page. The lead magnet is a free report on his holistic success philosophies, which results in an upsell to his one-on-one coaching. Over 26,000 copies downloaded!
  • Ebook Chapter: How To & Why You Should Food Journal

    Ebook Chapter: How To & Why You Should Food Journal

    An excerpt of a chapter I wrote for an ebook on weight loss for the leading brand of low carb pasta, Miracle Noodle
  • Miracle Noodle Post-Purchase Autoresponder

    Miracle Noodle Post-Purchase Autoresponder

    We'd lose a ton of business if we didn't almost immediately send an autoresponder teaching our customers how to prepare these specialty diet noodles. This gets an over 40% open rate and 25% click rate.
  • Sea Spaghetti Email Blast

    Sea Spaghetti Email Blast

    It's a tough sell: seaweed. But we received over 650 orders within the first hour for our Sea Spaghetti, one of the most nutrient dense foods on the planet!
  • Olive Oil Email Blast

    Olive Oil Email Blast

    This email was for a product we were reselling on It's Olio Nuovo, the best California-grown olive oil! The challenge was to sell this to our customers, who are not conditioned to receive communication about olive oil at all; still, we sold several cases!
  • Cold & Flu Prevention Email Blast

    Cold & Flu Prevention Email Blast

    Soft sell email blast for Miracle Noodle's Cold & Flu Support Soup. Written as if it's coming directly from the president of the company.
  • Native File Packaging Copy for Miracle Noodle Thai Coconut Soup

    Native File Packaging Copy for Miracle Noodle Thai Coconut Soup

    This is a product not sold in stores so the challenge was to create copy that educated consumers but also clearly explained the benefits so they will order again and again....
  • Product Page Copy: Thai Coconut Energy Support Soup

    Product Page Copy: Thai Coconut Energy Support Soup

    Make people drool by writing compelling copy for an artisanal, small-batch soup.
  • Home Page SEO-rich copy Home Page SEO-rich copy

    This web copy I was contracted to write was before the Google Algorithm changes so back then, I was able to write lots of SEO copy, which pushed us to #1 ranking for our geo area.
  • Black Paint home page

    Black Paint home page

    Even though there's barely any copy on this page, and I'm a copywriter, I'm proud of this, because I completely came up with the concept for this natural cosmetic company's home page layout....
  • Freelance Article: Why Am I So Tired After Eating

    Freelance Article: Why Am I So Tired After Eating

    This article provides common-sense nutrition strategies designed to provide rock-steady energy throughout the day. Many workers suffer from post-lunch exhaustion. This freelance article, written for, offers generated over 600 Facebook shares; 44 shares on Pinterest and 86 on Google+
  • Article for Ranch & Coast Magazine: Rebates for Going Green

    Article for Ranch & Coast Magazine: Rebates for Going Green

    This is a freelance article I wrote for Ranch & Coast Magazine, which caters to the affluent of San Diego's coastal and near-coastal communities.
  • Article for Eating Smart at Work

    Article for Eating Smart at Work

    This is a freelance article written for (Mother Nature Network; ranking [US]: 2,064), which was featured on the homepage of through a content-sharing partnership.
  • Freelance Article: The Truth About Getting The Flushot

    Freelance Article: The Truth About Getting The Flushot

    Flu shot vaccines, recommended for nearly everyone, are controversial. This freelance article for, a website that gets over 1 million unique monthly visitors per month, generated nearly 2,000 shares on Facebook and hundreds of comments. Through a content-sharing partnership, this article was featured on the homepage of
  • Freelance Article: Celebrity Diets

    Freelance Article: Celebrity Diets

    This was the first of several dozen freelance articles I wrote for, a high-ranking (2,000th most popular website in U.S.) website, sponsored by the Coca-Cola Company. I was the featured health/nutrition/fitness writer for
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